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Honors Math (Academic)
Here is why people choose us
Students find these classes fun, develop a love for the classes thereby enjoying the learning process.
we use math as a tool to improve children's problem solving and critical thinking skills
they are discussed and debated so kids can understand better and apply in real life
Concepts from previously covered concepts will also be assigned periodically in addition to newly covered topics so students retain better.

Weekly class time | 1 hour per week |
Schedule | Mon, 6 - 7 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $500 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $105 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Numbers and Comparing | Place Values | Addition and Subtractions | Multiplication and Division Concepts | Fractions concepts | Mixed Operations | Estimation and Rounding | Measurement | Geometry Shapes |
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Unique approach to homework
There will be two parts to the homework. (1) practice on the newly learnt concepts (2) mixed review practice on previously covered topics. This combination helps them learn new concepts fresh while also retaining them long term.
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 hour per week |
Schedule | Wed, 4 - 5 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $500 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $105 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Number Sense | Addition and Subtractions | Multiplication and Division | Fractions - ordering, comparing, Equivalent and Simplified fractions | Decimals | Mixed Operations | Estimation and Rounding | Measurement | Geometry Shapes |
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Unique approach to homework
There will be two parts to the homework. (1) practice on the newly learnt concepts (2) mixed review practice on previously covered topics. This combination helps them learn new concepts fresh while also retaining them long term.
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 hour per week |
Schedule | Mon, 8 - 9 pm ET Wed, 5 - 6 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $500 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $105 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Large numbers | Prime and Composite numbers | Factors and Multiples | Multiplication and Division| Mixed and Improper Fractions | Operations with Decimals | Integers | Order of Operations | Measurement | Geometry |
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Unique approach to homework
There will be two parts to the homework. (1) practice on the newly learnt concepts (2) mixed review practice on previously covered topics. This combination helps them learn new concepts fresh while also retaining them long term.
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 hour per week |
Schedule | Tue, 4:30 - 5:30 pm ET or Wed 6:00 - 7:00 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $550 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $115 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Fractions and Mixed numbers - All operations | Decimals - All Operations | Integers- All Operations | Ratios | Prime Factorization | Expressions and Equations | Order of operations | Perimeter, Area and Volumes | Co-ordinate Geometry |
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Unique approach to homework
There will be two parts to the homework. (1) practice on the newly learnt concepts (2) mixed review practice on previously covered topics. This combination helps them learn new concepts fresh while also retaining them long term.
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 hour per week |
Schedule | Mon 7 - 8 pm ET or Thurs 7 - 8 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $550 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $115 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Integers | Ratios and Proportions | Percents | Solving Equations | Prime Factorization | Exponents | Polynomials | Statistics | Surface Area and Volumes | Angles
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Unique approach to homework
There will be two parts to the homework. (1) practice on the newly learnt concepts (2) mixed review practice on previously covered topics. This combination helps them learn new concepts fresh while also retaining them long term.
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 hour per week |
Schedule | Tue, 5:30 - 6:30 pm ET or Wed 7:00 - 8:00 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $550 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $115 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Number Theory | | Solving Linear Equations | Inequalities | Polynomials | Scientific Notation | Transformations and Congruence | Exponent operations | Statistics |
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Unique approach to homework
There will be two parts to the homework. (1) practice on the newly learnt concepts (2) mixed review practice on previously covered topics. This combination helps them learn new concepts fresh while also retaining them long term.
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 1/2 hours per week |
Schedule | Tue, 6:30- 8:00 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $650 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $135 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Single variable and Multivariable linear Equations | Inequalities | Graphing lines | and functions | Quadratics | Complex numbers | Polynomials | Exponents and Logarithms| Sequences and Series
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Weekly homework will be assigned to practice the topics learnt in the class
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 1/2 hours per week |
Schedule | Thur, 8:00 - 9:30 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $650 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $135 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Angles | Basic Concepts and Proofs | Similar and Congruent Triangles |Special parts of Triangles | Power of a point | Right Triangles | Quadrilaterals | Polygons | Transformations and Rotations | Intro to trigonometry |
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Weekly homework will be assigned to practice the topics learnt in the class
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Weekly class time | 1 1/2 hours per week |
Schedule | Tue, 8:00 - 9:30 pm ET |
Semesters | Fall: Aug - Dec Spring: Jan - May |
Tuition | $650 if paid for each of 2 semesters (5 months each) or $135 per month for 10 months. |
Skills mastered
Linear Equations and Inequalities | Quadratic Equations and Functions | Graphing functions | Polynomial and rational functions | Exponential and Logarithmic functions | Polynomial Operations | Probability and Statistics | System of Equations | Matrices | Trigonometry
Class Format
The classes are conducted virtually in small groups of less than 12 students. Students doubts will be cleared and new topics will be introduced each week.
Weekly homework will be assigned to practice the topics learnt in the class
Revisions and Tests
Topics will be revised and tests will be conducted to assess students' understanding of the material periodically. Appropriate help will be provided based on their exam outcome.
Support outside class hours
There are several avenues we provide to the student to help clear their doubts without having to wait for the next class. They also have access to the recorded sessions in case they miss the class and can reach out the instructor in case of any
Outstanding support
We pride ourselves in enabling the student to be the best version of themselves. Students are encouraged and motivated via fun games and rewards to keep their motivation levels high.
Competition Math
A one of a kind program that is tailor made for math contest preparation.
What is MathKangaroo 1&2?
Math Kangaroo 1&2 is a national Math Exam for students currently enrolled in Grades 1 &2 at school. To learn more about the competition, and registration, please visit
Does my child need this?
Preparing for exams such as MathKangaroo will help develop problem solving and critical thinking skills as they are exposed to non standard problems not typically found in a school curriculum.
How can EnrichMIND Academy help?
We have studied the problem patterns typically found in these math competitions and have developed methods to teach these to the students in a way they can understand. Having said that, we are not going to just teach them tricks, we rather focus on giving the students some extra tools for problem-solving and help them figure out ways to use these tools effectively.
Schedule | Mon, 6 - 7 pm ET |
Classes | 19th Dec' 22 - 11th Mar' 23 (No classes 25 Dec'22 - 1 Jan' 23) |
Fee | $350 $250 if enrolled in Honors Math classes |
Sample Questions
What is MathKangaroo 3&4 ?
Math Kangaroo 3 &4 is a national Math Exam for students currently enrolled in Grades 3 & 4 at school. To learn more about the competition and registration, Please visit
Does my child need this?
Preparing for exams such as MathKangaroo will help develop problem solving and critical thinking skills as they are exposed to non standard problems not typically found in a school curriculum.
How can EnrichMIND Academy help?
We have studied the problem patterns typically found in these math competitions and have developed methods to teach these to the students in a way they can understand. Having said that, we are not going to just teach them tricks, we rather focus on giving the students some extra tools for problem-solving and help them figure out ways to use these tools effectively.
Schedule | Mon, 6 - 7 pm ET |
Classes | 19th Dec' 22 - 11th Mar' 23 (No classes 25 Dec'22 - 1 Jan' 23) |
Fee | $350 $250 if enrolled in Honors Math classes |
Sample Questions
What is MathKangaroo 5&6?
Math Kangaroo 5&6 is a national Math Exam for students currently enrolled in Grades 5 & 6 at school. To learn more about the competition and registration, Please visit,
Does my child need this?
Preparing for exams such as MathKangaroo will help develop problem solving and critical thinking skills as they are exposed to non standard problems not typically found in a school curriculum.
How can EnrichMIND Academy help?
We have studied the problem patterns typically found in these math competitions and have developed methods to teach these to the students in a way they can understand. Having said that, we are not going to teach them tricks, we rather focus on giving the students some extra tools for problem-solving and encouraging them to figure out ways to use the tools effectively.
Schedule | Mon, 6 - 7 pm ET |
Classes | 19th Dec' 22 - 11th Mar' 23 (No classes 25 Dec'22 - 1 Jan' 23) |
Fee | $350 $250 if enrolled in Honors Math classes |
Sample Questions
What is MathKangaroo 7&8 ?
Math Kangaroo 7&8 is a national Math Exam for students currently enrolled in Grades 7 & 8 at school. To learn more about the competition and registration, Please visit
Does my child need this?
Preparing for exams such as MathKangaroo will help develop problem solving and critical thinking skills as they are exposed to non standard problems not typically found in a school curriculum.
How can EnrichMIND Academy help?
We have studied the problem patterns typically found in these math competitions and have developed methods to teach these to the students in a way they can understand. Having said that, we are not going to teach them tricks, we rather focus on giving the students some extra tools for problem-solving and encouraging them to figure out ways to use the tools effectively. 7
Schedule | Mon, 6 - 7 pm ET |
Classes | 19th Dec' 22 - 11th Mar' 23 (No classes 25 Dec'22 - 1 Jan' 23) |
Fee | $350 $250 if enrolled in Honors Math classes |